The story of the company begins from the moment, when two Italian designers, both young, ambitious and creative, decided to collaborate, using all their talent in order to build new home design Textile Company. Considering Asia as a modern place of strength, they’ve chosen Singapore to open company and named it Singapore Home Design, or SHD.

Tired of dimness, simplicity and lack of color and originality, which currently prevails in home textile design, they craved to bring something vivid and lively, but pleasing and soothing at the same time into world of home textile – it’s widely known that sleeping quality highly depends on design and décor of bedroom.

Creating art-style home textile became main line of their collaboration. After working day and night, going through countless drafts and styles, they’d finally came out with two series of textile products, inspired by impressionist and classical painting masterpieces – Claude Monet and Versailles.

What’s special about it, you may’ve asked? It’s perfect match of luxurious design and high-quality fabric, providing a nice soft crisp feel. Its softness obtained through mercerization, exquisite printing-by using advanced 3D-printing technology.

While working on new collection, designing team develops draft, which later scaled by technicians according to size of items and then digitally printed onto surface of bed lining.

Subtle combination of art-design and high-end printing technologies turns bed lining into piece of art. Using cutting-edge digital printers allows avoiding using harmful chemical, traditionally used in fabric dyeing, but also creates unique product of high quality.

Buying SHD products, you do not just buy an ordinary piece of bedding, but highly collectable piece of art, produced in small series. 3D printing is not only pleasing to the eye, it’s known for its durability, even after long-term use its color keeps freshness as if it was newly purchased, and keeps on bringing you joy for long years.

Let fine art become a part of your home with Singapore Home Design!